Thursday, February 16, 2012


as soon as we  got there we were surround by zombies so we let the snaggle beast go, and he took all the zombies out around us then we found a old house for our base of operation it was kind of hard to find a spot to put the snaggle beast now all we have to deal with is getting ride of all the zombies, but then we saw a giant machine that that was turning people into zombies so we had to take that out .
    the next day we started a our journey to the machine and we had to fight a lot of zombies we lost a lot of men, now we only have 6 people left me the people from Pandora, and the snaggle beast but now we are at the machine and all we had left were the elemental guns(top is the (fire) clipper, second (blast)combat rifle third, (acid) sniper rifle bottem, (static)rocket lancher) so we set off we got all the way to the middle before we got captured by the king of all zombies my friend Andrew. Some how he got all the way to the top of the zombies but what ever i tried to shoot him but he was just to fast so we gave up and then. No no no nooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!

end of part 2

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