Thursday, February 2, 2012

tall tale

a long long time ago in ancient Rome there was a man by the name of skeetekus he was a lonely man, nobody cared for him but one day Zeus cast apon him and, told him that he would have to foe fill his destiny and he would receive a gift. so skeetekus set off. a few hours later he found this old lady that ended up to be Medusa so with a single blow he killed her and took her head as a trophy and as a weapon. the next day skeetekus found himself inside a cave tied up over a batch of lava than a shadowy figure came out of the dark and it turned out to be his arch enemy foltonius and he said” your a sound sleeper,and you`ll never get the gift.foltonius didn`t know that skeetekus had the head of madusa ,and so he used that on him and foltonius froze into stone but than he broke out then they had a big fight it went on for days but the final happend when skeeteand by using the head and then swinging. then seetekus found out that foltonius stole the legendary lighting bolt so he returned the bolt to Zeus and his reward was to get the power to strength and changed his name to hercule.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. They must have A lot of endurance if they fought for days lol

  2. G'day Damion,
    Thanks for registering for the March 2012 student blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week beginning early March, when the first challenge will be published. If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the blog. Also make sure you visit blogs from other students around the world with similar interests.

    Miss W or tasteach - challenge organizer
