Wednesday, April 25, 2012


creativity it the best thing you can have because if you dont than your life may be boring.Take my life for example i try to make it creative as possible be making new things out of old things like a club house out of old cardborard boxes or take my brothers broken toys and making him a new one, but that is just some of the things i do with creativity now if you read this i want to know what you do with creativity.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


march 18th 2097
BAM BAM BAM I jumped out of my bed and opened my door there was a army soldier standing there. he looked like he had been running for days. I asked him what he wanted and all he said was "i’m looking for uch", just than a monster claw came through my window.There I stood, frighten watching the man gasp for air all I could think about was how lucky was.I than a few minutes later I found out that the military had made a nuclear bomb that back fired on them, and created a bunch of monsters and now it up to the same poeple who created to stop it, so I joined the fight. As soon as I got to the training ground I found out that im the small guy and i’m the better shot then all of them combined. so i`m on the elite team that goes whenever they want to so right now i’m in a truck going to this army base to gear up i hope it all goes to plan

march 20th 2097
as soon as we go there it we had to listen  to this old man talk, but just then a war ship fell into the base and killed the old man.As soon as the smoke cleared I walked over there to see what had happened It turned out that the person that was in plane was a, mother with a brand new baby boy and looked as if she was trying to escape, but her engine was broken and she made a instant stop and now there was no one too take care of the baby so we had to.

march 25th 2097 well the baby is fine but I can say the same thing for my team it is me and two other people we are living off of human and what was that  no no no no no nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end of part one

Thursday, April 5, 2012

hunger games review

my opinion of the hunger games is that they cut out a lot of the book like the part about catniss giving petta the knockout syrup.Other than that it was dead on with all the casting. Also I would give this movie a 9.9 out of 10 that is what I thought about the movie

Friday, March 30, 2012


the main character have meet and I think that they all are going to ether get into a big fight or be best friends and the rich one is going to the one to betray them and kill them all

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


friends should be someone who
you can relate to not somebody you think is cool.
friends should be someone who will help you out in trouble
friends should be someone who you can trust
and also be there for you when you need them most of all

Thursday, March 1, 2012

war preview

BAM BAM BAM i jumped out of my bed and opened my door there was a army soldier he looked like he had been running for days i asked him what he wanted and all he said was im looking for uch... just than a monster claw came through my window there i stood, frighten watching the man gasp for air all i could think about was how lucky was i than a few minutes later i found out that the military had made a nuclear bomb that back fired on them and created a bunch of monsters and now it up to stop it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


just than andrew ate mordici and roland and i thought to myself why why not me why them just than brick started to get into a rage and went all berserk and just started to go through thoses zombies like it was nothing.which gave me just enough time to get away.I need a new plan so i thought and than i  rember that the that andrew had a weak stop for food so i went back to the tower to get brick and lilith and just than they jumped out of the tower and i had just enough time to save them both i wasn't easy but than i told them the plan so we got back to the plane and there was mordici and roland blocking our path so we  charged them but now they were as fast as anderw so we had to let the snaggle beast take them out and then we left for pandora once we got there we put a transporter from there to zombie world and then they would leave and pandora and have fight for earth so well see.the plan worked the zombies are dead or dieing so that is how zombie world is now panam

Thursday, February 16, 2012


as soon as we  got there we were surround by zombies so we let the snaggle beast go, and he took all the zombies out around us then we found a old house for our base of operation it was kind of hard to find a spot to put the snaggle beast now all we have to deal with is getting ride of all the zombies, but then we saw a giant machine that that was turning people into zombies so we had to take that out .
    the next day we started a our journey to the machine and we had to fight a lot of zombies we lost a lot of men, now we only have 6 people left me the people from Pandora, and the snaggle beast but now we are at the machine and all we had left were the elemental guns(top is the (fire) clipper, second (blast)combat rifle third, (acid) sniper rifle bottem, (static)rocket lancher) so we set off we got all the way to the middle before we got captured by the king of all zombies my friend Andrew. Some how he got all the way to the top of the zombies but what ever i tried to shoot him but he was just to fast so we gave up and then. No no no nooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!

end of part 2

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hi my name is Alex King I'm 17 years old the year is 2076 on planet earth,which is now called zombie world,because zombies have taken over but I got away before I could get eaten. it all started 3 years with a exaction gone wrong instead of dieing they just past out, and there heart stopped and they thought they were dead but they were wrong. so now we have 2,921,563 zombies after man kind so. I'm searching the galaxy for help and so far i have 3 medics 4 brutes 2 snipers 1 pilot and a mechanic right now I'm on my way to this robot planet to see if they can help but i don't think they will.
as soon as we got there we flew right to the king, and believe it or not he actually helped us he said  that he did not want to be the only living things in the universe.
so he gave us 15 royal guards with ray guns. he also gave us permission to use he’s teleporter so now were off to the next planet soon as we got there we were attack bandits so the robots took them out.then we meet Mordecai,Roland,Brick and Lilith.they also were dealing with zombies but they had elemental weapons.So we loaded up the ship now we were ready to handle one last planet it was a long trip, but when we got the planet they shot us down. when we woke up we were chained to each other and that wasn't the worst part we were in a battle field.
then a loud booming sound came out of no where, release the snaggle beast. just then a 20ft monster with razor claws and shark like teeth with flesh hanging from them came out.but the royal guards broke the chains and then Mordecai pulled this little gun out of his pocket and blew his head right off then the leader came down and then he said “you destroyed my beast what do you want”, “we just wanted your help to fend off our planet”, “is that it than why didn’t you say so guards regroup  another snaggle for them to take”.I said thank you and we set off back to zombie world with 4 medics 5 brutes 3 snipers 1 pilot 1 siren and a mechanic along with 15 robots and 1 snaggle beast zombies here we come

end of part one

Thursday, February 2, 2012

tall tale

a long long time ago in ancient Rome there was a man by the name of skeetekus he was a lonely man, nobody cared for him but one day Zeus cast apon him and, told him that he would have to foe fill his destiny and he would receive a gift. so skeetekus set off. a few hours later he found this old lady that ended up to be Medusa so with a single blow he killed her and took her head as a trophy and as a weapon. the next day skeetekus found himself inside a cave tied up over a batch of lava than a shadowy figure came out of the dark and it turned out to be his arch enemy foltonius and he said” your a sound sleeper,and you`ll never get the gift.foltonius didn`t know that skeetekus had the head of madusa ,and so he used that on him and foltonius froze into stone but than he broke out then they had a big fight it went on for days but the final happend when skeeteand by using the head and then swinging. then seetekus found out that foltonius stole the legendary lighting bolt so he returned the bolt to Zeus and his reward was to get the power to strength and changed his name to hercule.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

christmas break

over my Christmas break i went down to Jacksonville Florida it took us 7 hours to get there. when we got to the door my mom started to cry because we haven't seen them for 6 years when we got in i didn't see my sister till diner time because my 3 girl cousins took her to the mall but i played halo with my cousin and my dad and i won.for dinner we had buffalo wild wings and i won a new i pod touch a ball and a stuffed bear from a claw machine.then we ate and went back to my uncles house ,but own the way we saw a movie theater a went to go see Alvin and the chipmunks 3. after the movie it was 10:00 and we still had a 45 minute drive to my uncles house,went we got there i went to bed.
The next day i got up at 7:00 and played minecraft on my laptop then everybody got up had breakfast and got dressed, we all went the gator bowl parade ,and my uncle and his friends got dressed in there star wars outfits and i got to help out in the parade and got to stand next to Darth Vader,and i thought to myself that my cousin in north Carolina would be mad at me.after the parade we went to a steak house for all my good work. after that since it was new years we bought fireworks when we got back i played more halo and minecraft. when the count down stared we shot off a lot of firework. Then my uncle neighbor decided to try and make a big sound to scare my sister but, we came out on top by putting a whole string of fire crackers in a big pot. After that he stopped and called the police. After the police left everybody went home and i had to go to bed
The next day i had to leave so we went to the beach and i learned how to ride on a surf board it was very hard but i learned how .after the beach we had to leave and go back to north Carolina and that is my story of my Christmas break